Under the


How does one make peace with something that cannot be fully comprehended or even seen? This question lingers in the minds of countless people with disabilities, as they grapple with the arduous task of understanding and accepting themselves.
The journey towards self-acceptance, for those confronted with disabilities that elude clear definition or visibility, is not a solitary battle fought within the confines of a short-lived skirmish. It is an ongoing war that spans an entire lifetime. With each step forward, individuals strive to weave together an understanding of their identity, striving to comprehend the essence of themselves. But how does one embark on this voyage when faced with the agonizing reality that their disability remains partially hidden from their own comprehension?

In this series of diptychs I worked closely with participants in an attempt to start them on this voyage of self discovery. By combining photographs with medical scans giving them a chance to to see themselves in a new perspective. As a photographer I hope that when people see these photographs for the first time that they see more of themselves as a whole than they have ever seen or experienced before.


Balls, Baskets, And Wheels